Key Topics Simplified – The Ultimate Sommelier Book

This e-book is designed from my own study notes to help not just pass the Intro Sommelier exam but Certified as well. I cover all topics you need to pass the Intro Sommelier course or any wine exam Level 2. It gives you a clear path to what you focus on. I made it super simple thanks to AI.

Alper, Advanced Sommelier - CMS

sommelier study book question

In this book, every topic that needs to be study and ready is covered. Every sommelier should know these topics. Simple question and short detail explained so you will learn easy.

You will get example question without answer, but all answer you can find short explanation, so you will study at the same time repeat.

The information will stay in your mind.


Who Is This Sommelier Book For?

This book is for anyone preparing for the Intro Sommelier or Certified Sommelier exam. Whether you’re just starting or need a quick refresher, it’s designed to make studying simple, effective, and easy to remember.

If you want a clear, structured way to learn wine essentials, this sommelier book is for you!

Available as E-Book & Paperback – Study Anywhere

This sommelier book is available in both e-book and paperback on Amazon. Carry the paperback at work for quick reference or study on the go with the digital version. Perfect for busy sommeliers who need a simple and effective way to learn!