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3 Websites to Help You Improve Your Wine Knowledge

Are you looking for reliable wine resources to help you understand wine faster? If you answered yes, we've put together three websites where you can look for your wine answer. We are constantly studying wine on those three websites, and you might also find them useful. We hope that this blog will assist you in discovering the proper resources for your wine learning.

Let's get started.


We strongly advise you to bookmark this website if you are serious about learning about wine, particularly the viticulture and vinification aspects. It is completely free. You will find a wealth of useful information to help you confidently prepare for your wine exam.

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The AWRI's mission

The Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI) is the research arm of the Australian grape and wine industry. It supports a sustainable and successful grape and wine industry through world-class research, practical solutions, and knowledge transfer. The AWRI, founded in 1955, is governed by an industry-led, skills-based Board. It is a member of the Adelaide-based Wine Innovation Cluster.


2. Decanter

Decanter magazine is a fantastic resource for wine enthusiasts and professionals. One of the best parts of this journal is that it will keep your wine knowledge up to date every month. You can choose between free and paid options, and it's entirely up to you to decide which is best for you. However, if you want full access to all of the important information, we recommend paying for a membership. They also have superb mobile applications.

Decanter's Background

Decanter is the world's most popular wine publication, with a monthly audience of more than 2.2 million people across print, digital, and social media.

Decanter connects wine lovers in more than 100 countries around the world by providing authoritative content, unbiased advice, and inspiring events and competitions.



The last one is the best,  we strongly advise you to sign up immediately if you haven't already. Wein.Plus is the best wine resource we've found so far, and it's helped us learn more about wine more quickly than any other platform. You'll have access to all the producer's biography and history information. It is necessary to obtain a membership to register, but it is well worth the expense because you'll have access to all the resources necessary to improve your knowledge.

About Wein.Plus

Wein.Plus is the largest and most well-known European platform for wine lovers everywhere. Wein.Plus was founded by Utz Graafmann in Erlangen in 1998, and he has continued to develop it with tasting director Sam Hofschuster. Meanwhile, more than 150,000 independent wine ratings from producers across Europe can be found online and researched individually. Only available on the internet. Wein.Plus is only available online today and in the future.


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